Value-Added Services Marketplace

The future of Affinity channel offerings.
Driven by innovation and the ability to adapt to changing consumer needs.

Enhance the power of AI Agents in your database

With a focus on continuous innovation, we are committed to taking artificial intelligence to new heights and providing even more powerful solutions for our customers' needs.

Scale omnichannel and omniproduct Sales campaigns for millions of customers

Implementing highly personalized digital marketing strategies and using advanced data analysis technologies, using multiple channels and for a wide range of products.

Create Non-Operating income in weeks

Exploring innovative opportunities that allow us to diversify our income streams and maximize our earning potential in a short period of time.

Enhance your customer Value-Added Services

We are expanding our range of services to offer more complete and personalized solutions that add real value to your operations.


Welcome to Übbitt Marketplace

your premier platform for enhancing client services through our comprehensive, ever-expanding ecosystem of services designed for operational excellence and high-standard security & compliance (PCI)(ISO 27000).

Operational Excellence.
Übbitt refines all operational processes including customer experience, business intelligence, marketing automation workflows and legal compliance and security, ensuring en exquisite experience, unmatched transparency and auditable systems for your institution.

Diverse Product Portfolio.
We offer a robust array of products across insurance, telecommunications, travel, and health services, enhancing client satisfaction and engagement.

Simplify & Monetize.
With Übbitt, forget the hassles of operational, technological, and security investments and start monetizing your customer data swiftly, creating new revenue streams and non-operating income effectively and at scale.

Serice Vendor Include.
Mapfre, GNP, Qualitas, CHUbb, Total Play, Meddi, Gastos Medicos Menores, Travel Concierge.

How it works

Incredible sales experience for millions of customers

Join Ubbitt Today!​​

Contact Sales Transform your approach to client services, meet current demands, and anticipate future needs, securing a lasting edge in your market.